SkilTao's Gaming Blog

BattleTech fan since the early '90s, game design enthusiast since forever.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Cephalumps and Woozles

There was a time when I knew, then forgot, that the reason the titular story manifested Cthulhu as a gooey blob, with tendrils down its face, is because the phrase

"Ia Ia Cthulhu Ftagn"

can also be transliterated as 

"ah Ah CHOO" (blows nose brassily)

and this may have happened more than once.

Awareness of context, clarity of purpose, and clarity of thought rarely seem to coincide. 

Distractibility, chaotic records, and the survivorship fallacy I guess. Like pineapple and jolly ranchers, TV eats you back.


This is not a return to old hobbies and diversions. I have more complicated observations about progress, milestones and timelines, but I am unable to articulate them succinctly tonight.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

More Cleaning

If I ever pick coding back up, I should:
  • rebuild my "History of BattleTech" chart to be dynamic and interactive;
  • make a widget which scrapes my blog & then graphs my posting activity over time (I guess similar to the visitor activity graph that's already on the back end);
  • figure a way to refactor all these labels;
  • get the archive widget to highlight relevant entries when a "search:label" page is up [Edit, July 3rd: and maybe show how many comments each has /Edit];
  • and make some sort of corkboard viewer for email or message chains, to trace the flow of ideas better. Existing formats (including forum threading, forking and other tricks) aren't totally adequate.

More Blogs Removed:

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Planet Stuff:

Podcasts Removed and Stashed Here:

Sunday, May 29, 2022


  • Still unable to comment on my own posts. Verification appears bugged. 
  • Your comments are up now. That's on me. I will probably continue to be slow on that. 
  • Browsing to your blogs, my browser seems  confused about which version (desktop or mobile) is being displayed. 
[Update, June 19: attempting to comment on my own blog, failing, and then following a link in my post takes me not to the linked page but to the HTML of the linked page. /Update]

  • Fun(?) Fact: Google's product landing page does not link to its products on the first screen. Zipping halfway down the page doesn't reach a product list either. 
  • I use youtube help pages to reach my youtube comment history because the normal links are broken or bugged and my comment history is literally inaccessible any other way. 

Friday, April 29, 2022

Thematic Map of BattleTech

I don't remember how many years ago I threw this map together. Last week(?) I tried to comment the most important fixes (my full list wasn't handy) onto that 2013 post but blogspot ate the comment. Trying again now after seeing these guys

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

FASAnomics 101

[Crude summary copy-pasted from conversation elsewhere. Still unable to blog properly.]

Friday, January 7, 2022

3025 production at 5 major sites

[Jan 10: edited formatting, clarity, and added the most essential backlinks]

Tikonov should produce about 6800 tons of 'Mechs/yr.