BattleTech fan since the early '90s, game design enthusiast since forever.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Shopping Quests & Towns

Because my high school group cycled GMs session to session, we usually had several people comfortable with costing items and with running NPCs; so multiple characters could be run simultaneously through minor pre-game activities, like shopping; and it was our custom that when a PC went into a shop, they could ask the shopkeep if they had anything interesting, and whoever was running the NPC would try to come up with something new.

I got two books from a discount bin - As Seen On TV by Lou Harry & Sam Stall (2002), and 283 Useful Ideas from Japan by Leonard Koren (1988) - and if I don't use them for random town stuff I'll never use them for anything.

Not ideal, but I think it's the seed of something good. 

shop error (or enable javascript)


  1. Is that Javascript? Does Javascript work on blogspot?

    1. Yep, you just stick it between [script][/script] tags in the html of your post. Used it previously in six weeks of events and king of some god-forsaken space rock.
