BattleTech fan since the early '90s, game design enthusiast since forever.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Turkey Day (cont'd)

Did you see there's a 13 Dead End Drive movie? Loved that game as a kid. Concealing which pawns each player owns is a neat idea, if a little transparent as an adult. I've heard the movie compared to the ol' Clue adaptation, and Chris Evans seems to think it's Robot Chicken.

Rest of this post is gonna mostly talk about YouTube.

This Star Wars: Fallen Order Commercial

YouTube has shown me this unskippable Black Friday ad a couple times now and it irritates me. Not because it's unskippable - there's unskippable ads I like fine - but because it combines hackneyed dialogue with overeager music. One or the other might be okay. Both together is too dissonant.

I think I linked the right ad. It's not like you can bookmark them while they're playing. 

The ad follows a generic cookie cutter template too, but I don't begrudge it that; it's job is to just remind you the game exists and Black Friday exists. It isn't really trying to win over anyone who wasn't already won over.


Youtube pages seem to load slower than they used to.

Wish I could stop commercials from toggling annotations back on. I sometimes watch videos while I'm logged in, and I'm surprised I don't see a profile somewhere to make the videoplayer load with my preferred settings. (Paused, autoplay off, annotations off, 144p and 1.5 speed.)

The times I want to watch youtube don't always align with the times I have good bandwidth. It'd be nice if content creators had the option to make their content available as downloads. (There's definitely videos that are most comfortably viewed at higher than 2x speed.)

I can understand YouTube wanting people to consume videos in a way which makes analytics easy, but... do they weigh all "likes" and subscriptions equally, or do they take (say) user selectivity and volume into account? At least I'm getting movie and video game ads now, instead of just "Grammarly" over and over.

To be clear, YouTube is still a good site; as a viewer I find it to be less hassle than vimeo and the other hosts I've seen.

Kids Shows

I remember Fox's Peter Pan & The Pirates being one of best shows when I was a tot. Found episodes of it a few years ago, and the theme song is still great, and there's lots of good fantasy and story elements, but I couldn't make it all the way through.

The Muppets have a reputation for being as much fun for adults as for kids. (I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that this scene is a fixed version of this scene, though that's not entirely what I meant.) A few years ago I'd started trying to track down Muppet Babies episodes on YouTube, but I think I'm gonna hold off on that until I have kids and need something we can both watch.

I hear the new Muppet Babies show is fine. Less singing though.

Also less Rowlf.


  1. I had 13 Dead End Drive. I don't remember the rules so much, but I remember having a good time with it.

    1. Yeah, it's a step up from The Grape Escape, but not, y'know, a huge one.
